Ironman team tournament director Corey Haddad scored the hat trick by bringing
teams from Connecticut, Indiana and Rhode Island, marking the first time teams
from those state will be competing in the 2022 Walsh Jesuit Ironman.
The Constitution State of Connecticut will be represented by Green Farms
Academy and its four wrestlers. The Ocean State of Rhode Island will be sending
teams from Panaganset high school (three wrestlers) and Scituate high school
with one entrant.
The Gem State of Idaho entered two schools with one wrestler from each school
for the 2021 Ironman. Bishop Kelly wrestler Christopher Martino took 6 th place
while Coeur d’Alene’s number two ranked Rylan Rogers finished in second place.
Haddad recognized the growing trend of excellent competition form Idaho and
invited four schools to compete this year. Those schools with the number of
wrestlers are Bishop Kelly (1), Blackfoot (2), Gooding (2) and Meridian (5).
Al Fontes, who resided in Livermore California and published to popular California
Wrestler publication has since moved to Eagle, Idaho and now publishes the Tier 1
Idaho wrestling report and coaches at Rocky Mountain high school in Boise, ID.
He has been instrumental in the upgrade of talent from that state and has always
been a great supporter of the Ironman.
Details on the wrestlers from these schools will be profiled at a later date.